The Mart x Jollybrowne
40% oFF
Make the most of your space! From essential signage so buyers can identify your booth to fixtures that work with how you like to present your products, we’ve selected a few key items to help distinguish your booth. You can view the items below. We’re discounting these items so it’s easier for everyone to put on their best presentation at the new Chicago Collective Women’s Edition and make it a success for all.
If you prefer other things in our full product catalog, simply call 800-308-3120 or email us so we can create a custom package that fits your needs.
To get your discount, simply click through and place a pre-order through our website by 07/11/24. You’re not charged at the time of pre-order. Once we review your order, we’ll confirm with an invoice that will show your 40% discount.
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— List price does not reflect discount —